PreSchool Pavillion

Dear Friends of Madina Village School,
Madina Village School is building a new preschool pavilion classroom this summer. One thing that sets MVS apart is its commitment to high quality preschool education, and we would love all of your support in making this new classroom possible for our youngest students. Our students receive two years of preschool. Their first year is a 2-hour afternoon session, and their second year is a three-hour morning session. In between the two sessions, all of the students eat together each day.
The need: We currently have two preschool classrooms, one on the main school campus and one a kilometer away in the village of Madina. We’ve found that the students and teachers at the Madina village classroom feel isolated from the rest of our school community, and they don’t get to see the positive examples of how our older students perform in school. They don’t get to worship with us at morning assembly, eat lunch together, or play together either, each of which are such important parts of our school day. Likewise, the teachers have a harder time sharing ideas and learning materials with their coworkers.
Timing: This is an opportune time to build a new classroom on the main campus, because the old village classroom is in need of improvements anyway. We would rather put time and effort into a new building in the best location possible than fixing the old building.
How you can help: We are hoping to raise $15,000 this summer toward the new classroom. We would love to have your support.
Pray for us. This is an exciting time at Madina. We are starting a middle school, furnishing the hospital, and always continuing the work of providing a Christian education to hundreds of elementary students.
Love, comment, and share on Facebook. The fundraising post will go live Monday morning at 9 a.m.
Board Member Peter Daining, on behalf of Francis, Bobbie, and the MVS Board