Sunday Snapshot #10

We are back in Sierra Leone, just ahead of the big storm in the midwest USA. We have been blessed with a new (well, not new - 2007 - but new to us) vehicle that can do better on the unpaved roads we travel. It sits high, 4-wheel drive on big tires, and they sure can see us coming! This color wasn't intentional but we're getting used to it. It has a personality, so it has been named - The Madina Bumblebee. Oh, the places we'll go!....


  1. Joanne Cearbaugh on February 6, 2022 at 5:20 pm

    I love the Madina bumblebee! So glad you’re safely back “home.”

  2. Leslie Melcher on February 7, 2022 at 7:47 am

    That color is great! Glad you made it safely.

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