Sunday Snapshot #4
"How Sweet to Hold a New Born Baby..." (from Because He Lives, by the Gaithers).
What a blessed child baby Bobbie Esther is, not by wealth or privilege, but by being born to a couple who truly love God and love each other and will bring her up within the loving community of their Faith family. Mark and Acquilla are both teachers at Madina Village School, so 440 other children are also blessed by their teaching and examples.
From birth to the next life....

Today Madina Village is full of people for the “40 Day” celebration of two of Francis’ sisters who recently died. The eldest, Ina, was pictured next to him in last week’s blog. The younger, Lukiatu, died unexpectedly soon after coming back from many years in the U.S. to live in Sierra Leone. Next weekend will be the funeral of their older brother Moses. As you can imagine, we are contemplating the beginning and end of life more than usual during these last few weeks of three sibling losses. Thank you, praying people, for lifting us up.
Even during ceremonies of death, we are celebrating life and so thankful to be here.