New Kitchen and Return to Madina

We are still working on building the new kitchen at the school. Women are currently still cooking school lunch in the old one. Bobbie and Francis have just returned to Madina and are doing well!

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Joanne Cearbaugh

“I had the privilege of spending a few weeks in Madina during the summer of 2013, and to see first hand the amazing accomplishment of building a school where there has never been one. I was part of a team that provided training for the dedicated group of teachers, organized supplies, and helped with the…

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Bobbie Mustapha

“Being a part of this project is the most amazing experience of my life, seeing it go from impossible dream to hand-made blocks in an empty field, to gray walls with children watching as the builders set each block in place, seeing local trees being made into child-sized desks,…and on the other side, back in…

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What do you need more of?

 We always need money for the feeding program and school. We need equipment for the health center, surgical units, etc. We need doctors and an administrator for the Health Center. We always need more books that are appropriate for our students. We need more energy. We need prayers.

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What do you have plenty of?

 We are blessed to have unlimited amounts of land, which belongs communally to the village.   We also have a large number of available community men when unskilled labor is needed.  And there are always far more children who want to come to school than we can accommodate.

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What have been the greatest challenges to the MVS and Health Center project?

 Finances.  The biggest challenge of Madina Village School is financial.  Starting with his own retirement funds, Francis began to build, which inspired others to help him.  It is a fulltime job to continue to solicit funds for the continual operation of the school, and for the building of the clinic. Corruption.  Another huge challenge to anyone who attempts to…

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What are your plans for sustainability?

Madina Village School has been approved for assistance from the Government of Sierra Leone, which has agreed to provide salaries for ten teachers and to provide basic textbooks.  A few textbooks have been delivered, but no other subsidies have been received. School gardens provide some of the food items used in the feeding program.  Parents contribute small…

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